sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2018


This week, Javier De Miguel came to give us a visual thinking master class. First he showed us different types of lettering and scrawls, after we had to reflect our idea of the krissia challenge in a big paper with the elements that we just had learned. Nowadays this technique is used in many bussiness companies so I think it would be really helpful the stuff that I've learned for my future job.

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018


  1. RAVIOLIS STUFFED WITH KRISSIA (Optional: mayonese).
  2. It’s easy to prepare as you have two dishes in one and you don’t have to worry about cooking first and second plate. Apart from that this new formula is healthy and appealing for children.
  3. The weaknesses are that our idea is not very original, neither risky.
  4. We need to do business with pasta companies to make our product, because it isn’t enough with krissia.
  5. The challenge’s aim is to target a young public and we think we have met their expectations introducing our innovative formula which is raviolis stuffed with krissia. We thought that pasta is the most liked food of children, that is why we mixed these two flavours.
  6. We will need machines to make our product because if we do it by hand it will take a lot of time.  
  7. Because it is appealing for children and we think that we have reached to the aim of the callenge that was introducing fish to children diet.

This is the powerpoint that Lierni, Joane, Enara and me presented to Angulas Aguinaga.



Advertised by Arguiñano and A vocadosRaviolis stuffed with krissiaChildren (eat) Parents (buy)4€ each pack
-Easy to prepare
-All in one

-Not original or
risky idea.
- Italians  won’t like
                                                                                     with pasta


This time we are making an entry where we will be commenting on our general impression on the challege, our group characteristics and personal expectations.
For the challage we will work on entrepreneurship and advertising a new product with the company "Angulas Aguinaga" in a project proposed by the Promotion Area of the City of San Sebastian.
At first, we weren't very motivated but it has been nice to see how a company works when they need to improve a product or come up with a new one. We will be speaking about the process in the next entry.
There are four of us in the group: we work very hard and we have made an excellent formula. All of us have contributed something to our product, that's why the result has been amazing. Resultado de imagen de krissia


Finallyyyy, this is my last entry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting this moment the whole year and it's finally SUMMER! I couldn...